Functional Nutrition Certification Online Training
Mastering Functional Nutrition
FNA’s Functional Nutritionist Certification Training Course – is a Fast-Track program (graduate in 3 to 6 months)
Become a Board Certified Functional Nutritionist
Our Functional Nutrition Online Course is the only online nutrition courses that gives you the skills, functional medicine tools, and clinical education condensed, yet easy to follow, taken from Functional Medicine Nutritionist Dr. Teresa Rispoli during her 30 years in clinical practice.
Upon Completion of “Mastering Functional Nutrition” a fast tract, online nutrition course, based on Functional Medicine principals, you will hold the accolade as a Board Certified Functional Nutritionist (CFN).
What is involved our Functional Nutrition Courses “Mastering Functional Nutrition”?

Fill your practice

Get enhanced clinical results

Influence your clients

Lead with confidence

Be part of a Closed Facebook Community of Health-Minded-People
Why Do You Need Our Functional Nutrition Courses – “Mastering Functional Nutrition”?
Have you ever felt that you don’t know enough to help someone with …
…Or you feel frustrated or anxious when your face-to-face with a client who has been suffering from chronic health issues you feel you don’t know enough about.
…Or you feel anxious when they tell you they have been to multiple doctors and no one has been able to help them. Wouldn’t you want to learn how to actually help these people and become the last stop in their quest for help?
…Or you find yourself perplexed because while helping your client they stop making progress.
Then Mastering Functional Nutrition Courses are the right program for you!
This Functional Nutrition Course is cutting edge, condensed, health transforming information that really hones in on key core concepts that you will be able to put to use right away. Did I mention this is Holistic Nutrition Training?
There are a lot of health programs out there, health coaching, nutrition and information on the web to keep you busy for decades. But is that how you want to spend your time? Why not benefit from Dr. Rispoli’s 30 years of practice and schooling? She has already put the time in for you! She has a vast wealth of knowledge and personal experience facing her own health challenges of autoimmune, endocrine, adrenal and major gut issues that no Medical doctor was able to help her with.
She has spent thousands of hours in school, research, and reading for most of her life and has discovered that Functional Nutrition has the answers when combined by a proper intake and health timeline, and by utilizing Functional Specialty Laboratory Testing (where mainstream medicine misses the boat). She has put together her clinical pearls and done-for-you protocols to help you get results.
You need practical skills that help you uncover the root cause of the illness, what is really going on with your client. Not just the diagnosis or symptoms, but the underlying root cause of their ill health.
Most importantly, you need to be able to find individualized solutions for your clients. Ones that are based on what their body is telling you.
This is what sets you apart from other healthcare providers, your clients will rave about you and refer you to their family and friends. But most importantly, you become their last stop, you stop their suffering!
How it works
Teresa Rispoli acclaimed Functional Nutritionist provides 21 online 60 minute lessons posted to your dedicated Member ‘Hub’ to listen to at your own convenience. Plus, transcripts, PDF’s, Done-For-You Protocols, Intake Questionnairs, Consent forms to keep you within your scope of practice .
SUPPORT IS PARAMOUNT – You get 1 year of 1:1 support with Dr. Rispoli. Teresa is available to answer questions, You will be able to ask her questions and get help with your difficult cases by text, phone, email or zoom call. She will get back to you within 48 hours.
Mastering Functional Nutrition Includes:
Twenty-One – 60 Minute Online Lessons with acclaimed Functional Nutritionist, Teresa Rispoli, DCN, Ph.D., L.Ac, Learn how to Heal the Gut Microbiome, reverse Autoimmune and chronic health conditions and coach sustainable habit change.
4 Modules(21 Lessons) Mastering Functional Nutrition cost is $3997 (Value $9795)
Lesson 1 Heal Your Gut -The Gateway to Solving Chronic Health Conditions – Complete understanding the Microbiome. How the gut can be the gateway to many chronic health conditions: SIBO, Leaky Gut, Allergies, autoimmune triggers.
Bonus 1: Proper Detoxification implementation and supplementation and importance in health building and reducing chronic symptoms.
Bonus 2: Understanding Leaky Gut’s role in treating chronic illness, and How to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Bonus 3: Autoimmune triggers and reversing autoimmune disease.
Lesson 2 Targeted Evaluation Questions, Assessments, Laboratory Tests and Interpretation relating to the Gut. You will learn how to get to the root of why people are ill through assessments, targeted question and functional laboratory specialty tests relating to the gut.
– Understand the Foundation of Functional Nutrition for Building Gut Health.
– You will be given Done-For-You Protocols for the trickiest sign’s, symptoms and conditions, detailing Teresa’s clinical pearls– relating to the Gut.
– Tools to help you uncover the triggers leading to root causes of chronic health conditions
Bonus 1: Hepatic Detoxification Pathways & Nutrients necessary to complete that process.
Bonus 2: Key organs of detoxification and their role in eliminating chronic health conditions.
Lesson 3 Food as Medicine – Application of Therapeutic Diets: FODMAPS, Elimination Diets, Candida, Leaky Gut Diet, SIBO, SCD Diet, Anti-inflammatory.
Bonus 1: Four-step Plan to Heal and Seal Leaky Gut Syndrome – Six healing foods & supplements to heal the gut wall.
Bonus 2: Autoimmune Paleo Diet – anti-inflammatory diet principals.
Bonus 3: The Mind Diet – reversing Alzheimer’s and neuroinflammation that contributes to ADD, ADHD, Autism spectrum Disorders, anxiety and depression.
Bonus 4: How to Make Fermented Vegetables – to aid in re-building your gut microbiome naturally.
Bonus 5: How to make healing bone broth– the key to healing and sealing a leaky gut
Lesson 4 Learn about your Gut Bug Fingerprint, Know your Microbiome Gut Type based on Ancient Oriental 5 Element.
Bonus 1: Six Hidden Weight Gain Factors – find out which ones are sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Bonus 2: How to Defeat Biofilms – these organisms create an impermeable barrier around multiple pathogens making them virtually impossible to destroy.
Bonus 3: Firmicutes vs Bacteroides – how these bacteria influence metabolism and fat storage.
Lesson 5 Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Solutions –In this lesson, you will learn:
– Four key adrenal stress factors and how they impact your body
– Four Stages of Adrenal Fatigue
– Symptoms associated with each stage of Adrenal Fatigue
– Adrenals affect multiple body systems
– Hormones controlled by the adrenal glands
– Diseases that develop due to adrenal fatigue syndrome
– Functional testing for adrenal fatigue
Bonus 1: The Four faces of adrenal fatigue syndrome
Bonus 2: Core adrenal support nutrients
Bonus 3: Adrenals are connected to almost every organ and system in your body and how they can change your body’s entire biochemistry in an instant.
Lesson 6 Nutritional Impact of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome – In this lesson, you will learn:
– Essential Nutrients required to heal each Stage of Adrenal Fatigue
– Analyzing the Metabolic Assessment Form for hyper and hypo adrenal fatigue symptoms
– Key Functional Laboratory Testing for Adrenal Fatigue Stages, Neurotransmitter Balance, and other lab tests for fatigue
– Treatment Protocol & Handout for each Stage of Adrenal Fatigue Including primary vitamins, minerals, herbs, diet, lifestyle and exercise
– Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire – you may brand and utilize in your practice that helps determine what stage you are in
– Key Concepts for recovering from Adrenal fatigue
– Adrenal Fatigue recovery Tips
Bonus 1: Top 7 Adaptogenic Herbs to lower Cortisol production
Bonus 2: Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire
Bonus 3: Genetic polymorphisms and their effects on the adrenals and genetic expression of a disease
Bonus 4: The Four Body Types of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Lesson 7 Balancing Thyroid Endocrine Hormones Naturally – Healing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis naturally by finding the root cause to eliminate symptoms and triggers.
– Done-for-you protocols to balance these hormones naturally
– Functional Diagnostic Specialty Lab Tests, case studies and interpretation
– You’ll learn what foods influence these hormones and which ones to avoid
– You’ll be provided strategies to get well so you can take charge of your own health
– You will realize why healing the gut, liver and adrenals are a huge part of the recovery process with hormone imbalances. That’s why I like to start with the gut, liver, and adrenals first if indicated
Bonus 1: Learn the 7 Hypothyroid Patterns & How to Resolve Them Naturally
Bonus 2: Understand Thyroid Markers
Bonus 3: Know the Leaky Gut, Adrenal, Thyroid Connection
Bonus 4: How Hormone Pills, Creams, and Lotions Rob Your Thyroid Health
Bonus 5: Brain chemistry and thyroid function- Neuroendocrine Support and Body Typing
Lesson 8 Functional Diagnostic Specialty Lab Tests, Interpretation, and Body Typing – You will learn history taking done right by understanding how to use the Functional Medicine Matrix and a Timeline during the initial evaluation, which will help direct you as to which diagnostic Lab test is best utilized for further evaluation. You will have at your disposal a “Functional Nutrition Tool Box of Specialty Lab Tests” to help you determine the root cause of your patient’s chronic illness. Then you will understand how to evaluate the “Four Body Types” which are very useful for at a glance diagnostics and put the information into practical application when treating the patient.
– Proper history taking utilizing the Functional Medicine Matrix and Timeline
– Done-for-you treatment protocols and dietary/supplement plans for difficult cases: Autoimmune, SIBO, Candida, Gut Dysbiosis, Allergies, Weight issues
– Learn about Functional Diagnostic Specialty Lab Tests, case studies and interpretation
– You will learn about the 4 Body Types for diagnostic purposes
– Learn what foods to utilize and which ones to avoid by Body Type.
– Which supplements are supportive for each Body Type
– Which exercises are best for each Body Type
-You will be provided with strategies to get well so you can take charge of your own health
-You will be given the opportunity to order these Lab Tests through Dr. Rispoli and she will help you interpret them and help you form a treatment strategy. I will teach you which lab tests to order and how to interpret your own labs. Note: the US only.
Bonus 1: Understanding how to use the Functional Matrix and Time Line as a key to getting to the root of illness
Lesson 9 Marketing – How to get clients in a busy digital/social media world and keep them as loyal clients
This Lesson is all about helping healthcare practitioners to:
– Learn the newest, cutting-edge strategies to save time and money.
– Build your brand and online presence for more impact and recognition.
– Uplevel your revenue and keep more of what you earn.
– Leverage Facebook Ads, FB Post, FB Groups and automation pipelines.
– Streamline how patients or clients discover you.
– Discover insights on the newest technology and practice-building tools.
Here is a 7 Step Breakdown:
1. The Functional Medicine Model – This Lesson is a must as it breaks down step by step where to start and what to focus on as you begin your practice.
2. The New Patient Experience – The fundamentals of patient communication including automation systems, what to say and what not to say during the first visit, and what you should be doing so that every patient walking away from day one is blown away and ready to start care.
3. Patient Acquisition and Marketing –I will cover how to use online and offline marketing systems to help grow your practice fast. This Lesson will give you the right tools but will also teach you what not to do in your marketing efforts.
4. Office Systems and Staff Training – Ever wonder how to find good employees? This Lesson breaks down how to find the right people for your office, essential office systems to save on time, overhead, and improve the patient experience. On-line booking, digital SOAP notes for patient records.
5. Patient Compliance & Follow Up – This Lesson breaks down how you should structure patient follow up appointments, how to do group appointments and get paid, generating new patient referrals, and much more.
6. Online Monetizing – From creating a functional website that works overtime for your office to creating affiliate relationships to build passive revenue, this Lesson simplifies the complexities of online marketing and product sales.
7.Setting up successful email communications – What’s an autoresponder? You will know what they are, how to use them, and how to maximize communication, sales, and customer satisfaction by leveraging technology and social media for services, specialty labs or new products your office staff will implement and track for you.
Envision your practice 12 months from now after having guidance and direction. Can you imagine how successful you will be if you take action on the information provided? Don’t reinvent the wheel. Don’t make the same mistakes I and so many others have made by trying to figure it all out on your own. Most doctors spend dollars to chase pennies. Don’t be like most doctors! If you’re an action taker, you can increase your FM practice to the multi six-figure level and beyond over the next 12 months, if you just follow the step-by-step action plan I create and give you.
… Are you are behind the curve with new marketing techniques?
… Do you need to learn clever social media tools fast?
… Do you want to access the best practices for building tools?
Then you need this course!
Lesson 10 Getting Your community to Know, Like and Trust So You Become a center of influence for your community and learn how to leverage these relationships so they will stay, pay and refer you:
– Be the leader in your area & the last stop for chronically ill people seeking your help.
– Be an influencer in your community & learn how to leverage these relationships.
– Learn strategies to attract your perfect clients.
– Learn how to establish yourself as the go-to trusted expert.
– Learn how to build relationships in your community and the world.
Lesson 11 – Advanced Brain Health Master Class
– Learn Natural Solutions to Reverse Alzheimer’s & Neurodegeneration – A step-by-step approach
– Learn The Top Drivers of a Sick Brain: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, etc.
– Learn Top Functional Lab Tests & Questionnaire’s to to help determine the root cause.
– Case Studies with improvements.
– Applying Natural solutions for a healthy brain & body.
Lesson 12 – Understanding Your Genetics Code to Prevent Expression of Inherited Diseases
Understanding your Genetics gives you answers and solutions to why your brain or body is not in balance, why you don’t do well on certain medicines, foods or nutrients.
– Learn (epigenetics) how to influence your Gene expression.
– Learn Nutritional Genomics & how to turn your genes towards good health.
– Learn about mutated genes like MTHFR & how they affect your health.
– Learn about AI powered DNA Genetic Testing and with this knowledge influence the odds, or risks of developing a specific health problem
Know that the etiology (cause) of many diseases is multi-factorial; that is, disease can occur as a result of various factors, including both inherited and acquired genetic variants, diet, lifestyle choices and age.
The knowledge you will therefore gain from this lecture can guide you in the process of developing a more evidence-based approach to prevention!
Lesson 13 – Heal Autoimmune Disease with Natural Solutions
There are over 100 different autoimmune diseases affecting many organs including type 1 diabetes, celiac disease and psoriasis. These occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks parts of the human body. Unfortunately 23.5 million Americans are currently affected.
– Learn the root causes of autoimmune disorders.
– Learn strategies functional medicine doctors use to battle autoimmune diseases.
– Learn about the Autoimmune Matrix.
– Learn what top nutrients support the immune system.
– Learn about Leaky Gut’s role in autoimmune disorders.
– Learn about the anti-inflammatory autoimmune diet.
Lesson 14 – Advanced Therapeutic Diets
What if you are eating healthy but still having reactions to certain foods? You’ve tried elimination diets, exhausted lab tests for food allergies and sensitivitits but still have weird symptoms, then this lesson will help shine a light on what is going on.
We are talking about the difficult cases here. Pulmonary disease, bone & joint disease, Metabolic Disorders, cardiovascular disease, Autoimmune Disease, Cancer, and Neurological Diseases that affect our brain, cause Alzheimer’s, Autism, ADHD. The problem is there are food compounds and chemicals in certain food groups that also cause inflammation.
– Learn about Histamine Intolerance and how a Low Histamine Diet can relieve hives, migraine headaches and more.
– Learn about A Low Phenol diet and how food additives & artifical colors cause weird symptoms.
– Learn how a low Salicylate diet can reverse hyperactivity, aggression and more.
– Learn how a Low Oxalate diet can remove sharp stabbing pain
Lesson 15 – Advanced Functional Lab Testing
Imagine what some people go through when they don’t know what the problem is, especially with gut issues. That is why I felt it necessary to provide you with some of the more advanced and cutting edge “NEW” Functional Laboratory Tests and cutting edge devices.I’ll be discussing a number of different gut tests and why you might choose one over the other.
– Learn about a portable device, you can use multiple times, that you can use on the go or anywhere for that matter, after every meal to determine if a particular food is disrupting your body. It can be used for SIBO, IBS, food allergies, sensitivities or food intolerances.
– Learn about Viome a DNA test: to discover precise food and supplements you need to restore your microbiome health, address root causes, not symptoms, where your body needs nutritional support based on an analysis of your gut microbiome, oral microbiome, and cell, recommendations and custom-formulated supplements are tailored to your test results, You get nutrition recommendations to optimize your digestion, strengthen gut lining, boost richness & microbiome diversity.
– Learn the differences in 4 Top Gut Stool tests and why to choose one over the other: Gi 360, GI Maps, GI Effects, Gut Zoomer.
– Learn about Great Plains OAT test and Micobacteria (mold Exposure), Glyphosate.
– Learn two top Brain tests: Neural Zoomer and Alzheimers 50 for prevention.
– Learn about Genova’s NutriEval for Oxidative stress, Mitochondraal dysfunction, Toxic Exposure, Methylation, Deficient Nutritnts, Minerals, EFA’s, GI Support & Amino Acids.
– Learn about tests that can be done at home with a finger prick.
– Congratulations on investing in these strategies for your success. You are holding the key to doubling, tripling or even 10X your business over the next year!
Module 4 Advanced Master Classes – 6 Lessons (8 hours)
Lesson 16 Chronic Gut Inflammation – Causes, Functional Lab Tests, Support Strategies
Chronic Gut inflammation is at the root of practically all known chronic illnesses.
– Learn how inflammatory cytokines cause muscle pain, weakness, and can manifest as carpal tunnel syndrome.
– How inflammation causes autoimmune which can reduce total thyroid receptor count & hormone function.
– How chronic gut inflammation compromises the liver & kidneys, resulting in skin rashes, eczema acne, wrinkles.
– How chronic gut inflammation damages the intestinal lining resulting in Leaky Gut, GERD, Crohn’s & Celiac.
– Learn the lab markers that determine, Leaky Gut, Candida, Inflammation, and so much more.
– Why you must understand a total toxic burden when beginning a gut protocol and proper liver detoxification.
– Understand the ideal timeline for healing and what you must take into consideration.
Lesson 17 SIBO Causes, Functional Lab testing, Support Strategies Master Class
– Learn what causes SIBO.
– Learn the three types of SIBO and identifying factors or symptoms that differentiate them.
– Learn how each type of SIBO affects the body differently and what damage is caused.
– Learn when to use antibiotics or natural remedies to heal SIBO.
– Learn healing strategies, including which diet is best for each type.
– Learn which lab test is the most accurate in detecting SIBO and why other lab tests might need to be ordered.
Lesson 18 Vagus Nerve Reset Master Class
– Learn how the Vagus Nerve may be a hidden factor in chronic illness that goes undetected by most MD’s.
– Learn why the vagus nerve can affect the entire body causing multiple disorders and affecting multiple systems.
– What are the signs of Vagus Nerve Dysfunction.
– Learn what other hidden factors can impact the Vagus Nerve.
– Learn how to heal the Vagus nerve and benefits of Vagus nerve stimulation.
Lesson 19 Mold Toxicity Recovery Guide Master Class
– Learn why mold toxicity may be an hidden factor in chronic health issues with multiple symptoms and why they can differ from person to person and show up long after initial exposure.
– Learn the signs of toxic mold exposure.
– How this recovery guide will help you prioritize steps of care, identifying if you have a toxic mold problem and what tests and natural remedies are available for the building and the body.
– Learn why you cannot stay in a mold infested building, what steps you must take to remediate the building.
– Why you cannot take certain things with you from a mold infected building.
– Learn what elements of mold make you sick.
– Learn natural ways to get rid of mold and what shouldn’t be used on certain surfaces to treat mold.
– Learn about mold inspection and mold damage assessment, containment, sanitation, and remediation.
– Learn what errors can happen with improper remediation.
– Why detoxification is important and how to detoxify properly.
– How mold can cause CELL DANGER RESPONSE, Brain Fog, Digestive and gut complaints, rashes, multiple food sensitivities, bloating, how to test for these and natural support remedies.
Lesson 20 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Master Class
– Learn why it is easy to confuse Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance, what the differences are.
– What Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is and how it can affect multiple body systems.
– What the top Mast Cell Triggers are.
– What the real underlying root problem are with Mast Cell Activation and steps of care.
– What’s envolved with Stabilization of Mast Cell Activation and reboot of multiple systems.
– What is required for rebuilding.
– What lab tests can be helpful.
Other areas to look at with hypersensitive individuals.
Steps of care for healing with natural remedies.
Lesson 21 Coaching Habit, Diet, Lifestyle Changes
– Learn what it means to be a Functional Nutrition Health Coach.
– What your responsibility is to your client.
– Steps to awaken your client’s motivation by offering support and guiding them to achieve what they want.
– This coaching guide supports your client and you by learning key questions that are specific to where they are right now and where they would like to be on their Health & Life journey.
– Learn how to give positive feedback, deal with stress and negative emotions.
– Learn about the tools that make their transformation attainable and sustainable for life no matter the situation.
In Addition, You Will Get The Following:
1. Get one Full Year in Teresa’s FNA’s Email Support and private Facebook community where you will be able to learn from others like yourself.
2. 90-minute question & answer sessions with an acclaimed functional nutritionist, Teresa Rispoli, ND, DCN, LAC.
3. 24/7 Private Forum where you can post questions and learn from your colleagues
4. Brandable office documents, questionnaires, protocols.
5. Done-For-You Protocols for the trickiest signs, symptoms, and conditions, detailing Teresa’s clinical pearls.
6. Specially curated diagrams, illustrations, PDF’s, and videos for ease of understanding and quicker implementation of the concepts explored.
7. Quizzes to help you integrate the materials and test your knowledge.
8. Course Transcripts to reference each video lesson.
9. One Power Hour session with Teresa Q+A.
10. A ONE-YEAR seat in the course program and lifetime materials access so you can return and review the Mastering Functional Nutrition course in the future.
11. PREMIUM BONUS CONTENT: Brandable Handouts, Done-for-you protocols, Questionnaires, and Assessment Forms. A Metabolic Assessment Form Key to Supplements protocols. Case studies and Laboratory Test Reference Keys For Interpretation.
12. Option to self-order lab tests at a discount- I will teach you which lab tests to order and how to interpret your own labs. Note: the US only.
13. 20% supplement discounts (if you join as a member).
NOTE: You can purchase all Twenty-One Lessons NOW, for $3997 (Value $9795) and get started immediately with one payment.
Just think in less than 6 months you could be doing what you love, helping people transform their health!
What is Functional Nutrition?
Functional Nutrition is a highly sought after, leading-edge, evidence-based, and individualized case-based approach to comprehensive patient care that focuses on identifying root causes and system imbalances to significantly improve patient health outcomes. This emerging health care model combines the very best of modern science, clinical wisdom and critical thinking and is being driven by increasing consumer demand, advancing technology and is changing the healthcare model.
By understanding the concepts and tools FNA™ offers you, in these training modules, you will acquire the skills and knowledge to make you one of the most sought after, advanced functional nutritionist in the competitive healthcare marketplace. Being able to implement these tools in your life and clinical practice will bring you greater satisfaction in your professional practice and those you serve because you will be able to solve many chronic health problems and stop the suffering that many people are faced with today.
How is Functional Nutrition Different Than Other Nutrition Programs?
Our Functional Nutrition Training focuses on identifying “root causes” or underlying causes of diseases in a methodical and systematic approach rather than relying on protocols that may not work for everyone. This requires a deeper level of understanding of function, not just pathology; networks of physiology, not just organ systems, and an organized nutrition assessment taking into account the patient’s timeline, which helps to connect key events in the patient’s life with the onset of symptoms or dysfunctions. For example, asking the right questions like “when did this start”, we can begin to unravel the circumstances surrounding the dysfunction.
One imbalance may cause many conditions like inflammation. It can cause heart disease, depression, arthritis, cancer, and diabetes. Or one condition may have its roots in multiple imbalances like inflammation, hormone imbalance, genetics and epigenetics, diet and exercise, mood disorders. But the trained Functional Nutritionist will be able to critically assess the patient using a “whole systems” approach and personalize a nutrition, diet, and lifestyle health care plan to restore optimal function and improve the patient’s outcome.
Functional Nutrition engages both patient and clinician in a therapeutic partnership, empowering patients to take an active role in their own health. Functional Nutritionists spend time with their patients, listening to their histories, and looking at the interactions among environmental, genetic, diet, and lifestyle factors that can influence emergence and progression of complex, chronic diseases.
Why Functional Nutrition Now?
1. Functional Nutrition is a highly sought after, results-oriented, preventable, predictable, proactive, personalized health care model. It empowers patients to take an active role in their own health.
2. Functional Nutrition offers a powerful new model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic debilitation diseases to replace the outdated, ineffective acute-care medical model.
3. Functional Nutrition is evidence-based, scientifically proven incorporation, genetics, system biology, and understanding of how diet, lifestyle and environment influence the emergence and progression of the disease and utilized specialty laboratory tests, not yet adopted by allopathic doctors, to pinpoint dysfunctional areas of the body.
4. All forward-thinking medical doctors will need trained Functional Nutritionists to add to their team. They are hiring NOW and need you to help their chronically ill patients with diet & lifestyle changes as well as getting to the root of their chronic health conditions for healthy outcomes. They don’t have the time or skills. That is where you come in. You will be able to hold your own next to your new colleges with this valuable training.
When You Join Functional Nutrition Academy (FNA™)
You become part of a community of like-minded practitioners that are willing to see people as individuals and to help change the model of health care AND STOP THE SUFFERING. You will be able to share case histories and gain insight and health information in this private forum.